
Monday, May 18, 2015

House Logo Illustration

My friend John Howshall did this adorable illustration for my blog. It's just what I wanted! Thanks for the gift of your talent and time, John!

I love having an online scrapbook for my projects before and afters!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Closing Postponed

Hosta taken at photography class in Seattle

Who wasn't doing their job!?

We found out from Escrow that we can't close for a few more WEEKS!? Apparently, the bank never issued the Certificate of Sale and there's a process to do that, so there's now no closing date. This whole deal I had so neatly lined up has now exploded into a thousand pieces. I'm not sure how to even think about this. Huh.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Eight Days Until Closing

More boxes packed up today
Wow! We are getting packed and I just realized, we're eight days from closing! Still waiting on the broken window to be fixed, but that should be done by tomorrow. Feeling really excited and also a bit apprehensive because we have so much to do in the week before moving, not to mention being ready for movers by next Friday!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

First Post

Our new house
We are buying a new house. I'm stunned. I never thought we'd be homeowners again.

I wanted a place to document some of my projects once we move in, so I'm excited about the future of this blog.

This photo is from March and today is May 9th...there's a field of dandelions in the front and the house looks sad, like it is waiting for us to move in and fill it with life, joy, and purpose!