
Friday, August 14, 2015

Just Be Patient

On June 25th, we noticed they put up the sold sign-sigh

I was really encouraged last my landlord.

He has purchased three foreclosures and his advice to me was "Just Be Patient".

This has been helping me!

I think the part that has made this so difficult is not being given any dates, we've been completely in the dark.

July 3rd closing was missed and we hadn't signed another extension. Our loan expired. We got a relative involved who is a managing partner of a real estate law firm downtown. He's been able to talk to the foreclosure attorney on the seller's side and we at least know that the THIRD correction to the title has been filed for recording (as of about August 1st).

Just this week, we signed another extension for September 10th. S.E.P.T.E.M.B.E.R!

I just didn't know this was even possible that it would be September. Geesh, I hope that it doesn't go longer!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Ripe Plums

Our favorite store
I lost it on Thursday. I decided I was done. You couldn't talk me off the ledge. I searched on Craigslist and found two rentals to view over the weekend. We couldn't see ourselves in either house. I'm back on board with waiting for this house. We all LOVE it, it feels like our house.

On Saturday, we went over between looking at rentals and picked ripe plums from the backyard. I think about living there every single day!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

No Close

The "zombie" hydrangea on July 16th
We did not close on July 3rd.

We are still w.a.i.t.i.n.g. in the dark.

In my book, Monday Aug 10th would be good to get keys. We'd be able to give notice and move before September. That would be good.

Drip, drip, drip.