
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Third Coat Better Do the Trick

John doesn't have to reach as far!
John is my painting savior! I am retired from doing ceilings, they just killed me!

John did the entire "west wing" ceilings with a third coat. I'll go back tomorrow and see how they look. I think regardless of how they look, I'm going to be satisfied. :)

The frig will be delivered on Saturday, so I painted one coat behind the frig and will do the second coat tomorrow. Slow progress, but progress nonetheless!

In the end, I'm actually really grateful for the ceiling fiasco because John and I had a huge breakthrough in our relational patterns! Yay for ceilings!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

White Ceilings

Super slow start, but we've cut in and edged around the fixtures
When I woke up this morning, I was visualizing the dining room. I had just planned to paint a neutral color and paint the ceilings, too. But when I saw it in my mind, I thought "that looks weird, the ceilings should be white, not White Mocha"!

My friend Lara, who is a professional painter, agreed. White ceilings on the flat ceilings and do White Mocha on all the vaulted parts.

OK, so another trip to HD (Home Depot). White ceiling paint. Comes in two gallon cans. Bought four gallons to get me started.

We actually got to painting late in the afternoon. Yay! Did some edging/cutting in. I'm tired!

I really debated about painting the ceilings white because who really needs to paint clean ceilings? I almost changed my mind, but I am SO GLAD we are doing this! The ceilings are CREAM right now and it looks nice, but not the crisp clean that white ceiling paint provides! I am going to LOVE the new white ceilings! Tons of work, but I think I'm really going to enjoy it when it's done. It will make the White Mocha walls look sharp and of course we'll feel all "clean" having painted every paintable surface! Yay for paint!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Paint Samples Whole House

Sampling some paint colors
We want an all-purpose color that will bring the molding and carpet together.

I thought I would like the left one the best, but I really like the 2nd from left. It will be interesting to see it in the light tomorrow. The intent is to cover all walls including ceilings, so I want something light and neutral.

It was really fun to be in the house today! We got all the floors vacuumed and cleaned and the bathrooms, too. Feather dusted and bought a new ladder and step ladder.

Have many things on our list (including PACKING).

We set our moving date...lots to do!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Prep for Painting

Just some of the outlet and switch plate covers!
While I was at my conference on Saturday, my family spent the day at the house. One thing on my list was to have all the switch plate covers washed and conveniently removed for painting too. Nice work!

Friday, September 18, 2015


SOLD!!! No longer PENDING!! Wahooo, we have the keys!
I'm PINCHING myself!!!!

Wire transfer went through in the afternoon and we met Ryan at 5pm to GET THE KEYS!

What an incredible feeling walking into OUR NEW HOUSE! YAAAYYAYAYYAYYY!!!!

We celebrated by eating dinner at the card table in the dining room...a little Panda Express and Jack in the Box! Then I went back down to the M.INT. for the last session.

We are all so excited!!!

(Sadly, we noticed another broken window pane, so we'll have to figure out how to get that fixed. And it looks like there's something going on with the caulking around the master toilet...welcome back to home ownership!)

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Hoping for Keys on Friday

Both seller and buyer have signed for September 18th!

The seller signed our extension and we plan to close on Friday September 18th!

I'm starting to feel really excited now! The loan docs should be done this afternoon and we expect to be hearing from escrow on signing, maybe Thursday?


Thursday, September 10, 2015

Another Closing Date Passed

Mount Rainier visit in August. Ohanapecosh river.
I know this is a shocker, but nothing is going to happen today.

Why? Because we have a signed amendment to close today, of course!

Thankfully, things really are moving along. The loan docs are almost done and we are discussing (real) closing dates.

This morning we submitted an extension requesting to close on October 5th. Just this very moment, I heard back that they rejected it. They are demanding an answer right away as they offered to close as late as September 28th, but not into October.

At this very moment, the entire deal hangs in the balance...waiting for my husband to respond.



3:34-finally hear something from John. Apparently I misunderstood, so I am waiting to find out what my husband wants to do...

We have made it over SO MANY hurdles, we only have a very few remaining. I hope we cross the finish line with a house.

Update: Our loan guy says we can close by September 18th, so we offered that in an extension, just waiting to hear back. Thursday nothing, Friday nothing, waited over the weekend as usual, Monday nothing.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


We were able to see inside again a few weeks ago
ALERT! The title is  < F I N A L L Y >  recorded properly! We can move forward with the loan docs and CLOSE!!!! Yippee!!!


Who could have had ANY clue this would turn out like this. They should have never put the house on the market back in January!

I'm feeling (cautiously) real now!

There's some discussion that the loan docs won't be ready for the 10th. No comment.